Wednesday, April 23, 2014

First Blog Post


These words mark the beginning of the first of my first blog post!!!! I've waited for forever to get a blog and idk why, I should have done this much sooner it's already so much fun :P I take the greatest pleasure in being able to have a blog, honestly, I've always wanted one! I know I could've just gotten a tumblr and been a normal teenager but idk tumblr confuses me 
I'm fourteen (fifteen in two weeks) and I have eight brothers and sisters which is a pretty major thing in my life. Taking care of little siblings takes up most of my time along with doing all the laundry for the family and getting some homework done here and there my days are usually cram packed. Whenever I get my littlest bro (Jace. Nickname: Jacie) to take a nap on me is when I get my computer time. 
That's what I'm doing right now. Sitting on our front porch (we live on an old amish farm in Middle Tennesse that has an old amish house that we actually live in. So when I say front porch what I really mean is a bunch of really old boards that were nailed together a long time ago and are currently falling apart) holding the previously mentioned littlest brother. Two of my other sibling are jumping back and forth between our two trampolines in the front yard. The wind is blowing softly, distracting me by making an old forgotten bird feeder hanging off the roof swing back and forth above me. I'm also shivering because for some reason I'm wearing shorts, bad outfit choice for the windy day. My parents and the rest of my siblings are out working on creating a flower bed by our driveway. My mom is really into gardening/anything-that-has-to-do-with-working-outside jobs and usually drags us all out to help with them. Not that any of us mind :) We're born and raised farm kids and a high percentage of us enjoy working in the dirt and under the sun.
Speaking of gardening... in the past few days we've been busily working on planting our (very large) garden. I'm one of the small percentage of the kids that doesn't totally revel in getting my hands in the dirt. So instead of gardening I grabbed my camera and took pictures of everyone else gardening! :) 
3 yr old sis Jessah
hoeing rows and planting seeds. It goes by really quickly with everyone wanting to help

mom planting potato seeds in the garden

"toes in the dirt"

 I'm most likely going to turn this blog into a "look at these pictures from the photoshoot I did today" kind of thing so yay more pictures to come soon ;)