Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Rain, Flowers, and Me

If you live around Middle Tennessee you'll know that's it's been on and off rainy lately with big grey clouds up in the sky all the time. As a photographer this presented a bit of a problem one night since there wasn't much of a sunset, just a gradual fade from dull grey to dark blue in the sky, plus, a lot of rain. But I was really craving a photoshoot and an outside one too. I had to protect my camera from the rain by putting one of my brothers hats (a baseball cap that had Spiderman designs on it. Yeah, I know what you're thinking, my camera must've looked pretty swaggy wearing such a cool cap, and yes, it did ) on it. There wasn't really any light to work with and every square inch of ground was wet and soggy so it definitely wasn't the Best Most Fun Photoshoot Ever but it did produce a few pictures I was happy with. Actually a few pictures I was more than happy with since they ended up looking a bit film camera ish, which is one of my favorite looks. Without further ado here are the few pictures I was able to get before the mosquitoes all attacked me and drove me back to my inside life away from the pretty flowers.